Friday, 12 February 2016

Critical Investigation LR

36/48 = B

WWW - Your expertise in the subject matter really comes through in this essay and that engagement is very important. However, this is stuck at the top of level 3 for some key reasons...

EBI - Your bibliography is weak (and in the wrong format, should be alphabetical by name of author/director). I know your topic is unusual but you need much more generic globalisation research. You also quote McLuhan's global village ' but don't reference it. Missed opportunities

-Written English isn't fluent enough for the top level. Read through and be brutal: what can you re-phrase to make a stronger, clearer point?

-You need much more media theory: can you add a selection on post-colonial theories like Said and further explore idea of US cultural imperialism . You mention but then move on - why not go into depth here

- I find the idea that globalisation is a two - way process with respect to K-pop fascinating... I'd explore this a bit more. Can you find more research in this area.

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